
I love good food!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The most Effective Agitation Antidote ever!

Yesterday I truly discovered the childish fun that can come from being creative and playful when it comes to meeting one of my most basic needs.

Whether we realise it or not, we all have a need to expend a certain amount of energy in order to constructively use up all of the “stimulant” hormones and chemicals produced in our bodies day to day. Not using these effectively can lead to feeling unsettled, anxious, angry or just “not quite right”.

Some of us seek solace in alternative means which can at least, do nothing with these excess chemicals, and at worst, create more. Whilst sitting on our royal rump immersing ourselves in an entertaining television show or movie may temporarily distract us from how we are feeling, you can guarantee those little excitatory substances are accumulating and creating a nice little storehouse of tension.

The other option for dealing with the presence of these compounds is to start nit-picking and perhaps lashing out at those around you. This is a way to deflect and dispel the anxiety and “not-quite-rightness” we are feeling within. One thing you can be guaranteed of is when this nit-picking culminates into an all out battle in which anger and rage may occur, you are creating yet more of these little anger-bubbles!

The point I am getting at ladies and gents, is that whether we realise or not, whether we feel like it or not and whether we are in the habit of it or not, we are deigned to be active; we are meant to be active; it is an innate need to move!

To really love, respect and appreciate our bodies, the temple within which we live whilst on this earthly plane, we must give it due care and attention. All cars are nice when we first buy them. In order to keep them that way there is a level of maintenance to keep up. Even a Lamborghini (sorry guys!) can end up looking like a neglected and dumped wreck if it is not appropriately looked after.

When we are born as perfect little babies, we are delivered into one of the most immaculate and impressive vehicles ever seen. We are a miracle of nature and so absolutely flawless. Our bodies are in sync with our innate needs and all is taken care of almost faultlessly in much a stimulus-response type model. Baby cries, mum responds. Without too much interference, our needs are perfectly met and we grow and develop just as we should. Amazing isn’t it?

Wherever you feel you are at right now, know you were once as nature intended and in impeccable harmony with your intrinsic needs.

Give yourself the opportunity to experience how this synchronicity feels, and over time with consistency, looks. Moving your booty is one of the major basic needs you have.

Start anywhere, just do it.

Yesterday, as mentioned, I discovered the joy of being playful with this need of mine. It was too hot to run outside and I had already treated my body to a good dose of Vitamin D rich sunlight. I felt those little bubbles of anxiety starting to stir within and funnily enough I found myself nit-picking at my partner (well, he started it!).

Noticing what I was doing and what was going on within me, I realised I had a need that demanded attention. I needed to move!

With the aforementioned limitations in mind, I got creative. Grabbing my iPod and my skipping rope, I decided to assume that child within me that knew how to skip effortlessly for hours and LOVED it! You see, I have had a skipping rope for quite a long time, 2 years perhaps. Yet, the idea of it daunts me. The voice in my head tells me over and over, “You can’t skip”. “It’s too hard”. And everytime I try I am proven right! (Funny that!)

So this time I tackled it differently, and entered the task from a state of childlike innocence. This voice said, “Of course you can do it!” and “It’s fun!”. Wow, what a difference a change of tune makes!

Within no time I found myself not only skipping without constant breaks, I also found myself loving it and loving the music! I became immersed. I became increasingly playful and daring. When I needed a break, I jog-skip-danced around the house, then came back to the skipping spot. After a while I found myself enjoying the dancing more, so I did more of that. What fun I was having!

Before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed, I was sweating and those bubbles of anger had subsided and in fact calm, soft, easily dispersed bubbles of joy had taken their place. I felt light, happy and satisfied :) Wow!

I felt quite impressed with myself which added more of those soft, light, delightful bubbles and went on to enjoy a great night with brilliant company! :)

So I dare you…

Listen to the needs within that are trying to communicate with you on the surface.

Are you feeling irritated, anxious, annoyed, angry, not quite right? Look not outside of you for the cause, but within.

As much as it may seem like it is that person, thing, situation or other is creating your disharmony, there is more likely a need that you have neglected somewhere. A need, that by being met, will mean all those people, things and situations will start to have less and less effect on you.

You will start to create and build a nice little space within that is firmly sealed with a “do not disturb” sign. A place that is just yours; that you can escape to and experience true joy any time.

The attitude with which you approach this need will make the difference; the difference between loving it and resenting it. The difference between becoming a movement junkie or an agitated-to-the-point-of-numbness couch potato.

Have fun, be a child :)


I would love to hear your thoughts and responses on this topic :)
Email me at

Mwah! xoxo

Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree B, especially the bit about the so called "getting out" the anger, which in reality (for me anywyay), simply increases the level of tension, self righteousness and anxiety, if not immediately, it is rising sub consciously and comes out in unexpected and unhealthy ways.

I get rid of it by first of all identifying it is there in little thoughts about things which are 'wrong' with other people, places or things, and then, once identifying it, by trying to engage in positive thoughts and feelings toward them.

I have also found play and exercise help. For me, playing with my dogs is great because they are such intimate clowns who revel in stupidity and laughter for no reason except that it is fun. I have recently started cycling and just loving it too.

It seems to give me a nice balance of hard work, up hills etc, combined with breaks on downhills, and the ability to cover a lot of different areas so I am not just seeing the same terrain all the time.

I am getting better at switching off the part of my brain which says "there's a long way to go still" and turning on the bit which focuses right on the next pedal stroke, or the immediacy of something beautiful like the sky, a tree, a person (we are all beautiful in some way), or an animal.

When I can exercise like that, before I know it I am home, sweaty, happy, and seem to have great energy all day and am virtually unable to buy into that negative thinking stuff.

I heard a story you might like about the grandfather telling his grandchild about the two wolves we have inside. The good wolf of love, trust, acceptance and tolerance is fighting with the bad wolf of hatred, anger, ignorance and negativity. If we stop and take notice we can feel the struggle sometimes.

The child says "but grandad, which wolf wins?", and the reply is "The one which you feed the most".

That for me is the bottom line; I choose which wolf I feed, and I find the more I feed the good wolf, the better every thing around me seems to be.

Life is good.
