
I love good food!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Powerful n Punchy Pineapple!

Ok! So Mango Mania is very sadly coming to an end...well really, the truth is, it's over :(

The delectable, delicious and incredibly delightful fruit is over its peak season and just not where it's at right now.

I have had to come to acceptance of this sad fact of nature, and instead direct my desires and cravings in another direction :)

So....I followed my nose at the local farmers markets to the just as divine, delectable and delicious PINEAPPLE!

Wow! These babies are RIPE, JUICY and oh so yummy! To add to that they are incredibly GOOD for you and should be enjoyed VOLUMINOUSLY! ;p

I still remember the day I watched in ABSOLUTE HORROR as a well-meaning "expert" from The Biggest Looser television series tossed one of these amazing fruits into the garbage claiming it was too high in sugar and off limits for contestants!

That was enough to swear me off that TV show for life! Professing that ANY type of fresh, whole fruit or vegetable is bad for you and should be avoided, is a SURE SIGN of a FAD to me!

In my many years of experience I have NEVER seen anyone suffer ill-health due to eating fresh, whole fruit AND similarly I have seen MANY health-benefits from people making these delights their BEST FRIENDS! :)

In fact, I have had many diabetic clients in the past who upon my enquiry into their fruit consumption told me that they avoided fruits, especially tropical ones, because they were strictly advised to by their specialist!

When I heard this I would quickly overcome my horror then immediately go on to explain the dynamics of fruit digestion in the body, insulin response, and how eating biscuits and cakes because they were avoiding fruit, probably wasn't the most sensible idea....

Anyway, long story short, pineapple IS good for you!

Just SOME of the health benefits of this oh-so-yummy fruit are:

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY- due to pineapple's bromelain content, eating this fruit will infuse into your body powerful little substances that help to heal bruising, swelling, tenderness and pain. If you suffer from any type of arthritis, this is especially good news :)

Also, bromelain is also responsible for pineapple being a great digestive aid! Bromelain helps to break down the amino-acids in proteins, thereby promoting good digestion (funny how my body intuitively feels like some pineapple after an evening meal! Intelligent system me think! ;p)

ANTIOXIDANT and IMMUNE booster- pineapples are loaded with VITAMIN C and this baby is the body's primary water-soluble anti-oxidant responsible for protecting many of it's cells from free-radical attack. When free-radicals are allowed to run riot they promote plaque build up in our arteries, contribute to airway spasms that lead to asthma attacks, turn healthy cells into cancerous ones as well as cause pain and stiffness experienced in joint conditions such as osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C is also ESSENTIAL for the correct functioning of the immune system and so a good one to load up on to prevent colds, flu and recurrent ear-infections.

ENERGY- pineapple is an excellent source of manganese- an essential component of energy-producing pathways in the body. As well as manganese, pineapple is also a good source of the energy producing B vitamin, Thiamine. So, instead of B-B-Berocca...maybe...P-P-Pineapple will do the trick! Cheaper, yummier, easier! ;p

EYES N GUMS- fruit has been shown to be one of the most significant protectants against age related macular degeneration. Additionally, because of its high Vitamin C content, pineapple is excellent for helping to prevent periodontal disease and gingivitis, which left untreated leads to the destruction of gum tissue and underlying jaw bones. These conditions are also linked to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes...eeeek! cut me some pineapple NOW!

Wow...yes a powerful little fruit that really packs a PUNCH!

So....what are you waiting for?!

Get this juicy, delightful and oh-so-good-for-you fruit into you TODAY! :)

Enjoy fellow health-monks! ;p


Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant


Whatever said...

I absolutely LOVE pineapple Bridget, its one of my all time favourite fruits. The only way to eat it though is fresh not out of a tin! Just a note on "The Biggest Loser" since you mentioned them, I have slowly been turned off these guys for some time now but after seeing them endorse a "Domino's Pizza" Ad that was the nail in the coffin im afraid. I know everything is ok in moderation but to me that just proved that everybody has a price and if the price is right anyone can be bought!!

Bridget Jane Food Body Lifestyle Guru said...

Thank you Miss LL :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed the post! :)

Yes I am NOT a fan of anything that promotes fads, diets, deprivation or suffering!

It's all about balance and PLENTY of YUMMY food! :)

Cheers to you! xo