Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The TRUE truth about Weight Loss
Firstly apologies for the "silly" title of this article, I do realise it is not "good english"! :)
The thing I really want to get across today though is that so far out there, there has been no consistent "true truth" about weight loss. It is not that people are intentionally lying to us. They truly believe what they promote about getting healthy, into shape and feeling your best.
It's just though that it IS all lies....
I feel compelled to write this post today as I have sat silent for WAY too long....
I have a message and I MUST share it! After a wonderful day yesterday at my clinic with beautiful people, and the past few weeks I have enjoyed with my most incredible VIP clients, I MUST share this message far and wide and make it so very CLEAR....
More of us THAN EVER before are "battling the bulge"... it seems that it is normal these days to be at least a little overweight, in fact you could say "overweight" is the new "normal". I am not criticising anyone here, that is just the way it is.
When I was a child, I WAS THE FATTEST KID IN THE CLASS! Yet, often when people look at the photos, they say, "Oh you weren't THAT big..."
BUT! I am NOT telling fibs!! I KNOW FOR SURE that I was the heaviest kid- in a composite class (meaning there were kids in my class a whole year older than me). We had these maths activity books when I was at school in which we often had to complete "real life" mathematical activities- like measuring our height, and WEIGHING ourselves...!
The data was plain for EVERYONE to see as the teacher plotted the figures on a graph on the blackboard. Bridget was the shortest AND fattest (heaviest) out of everyone...! (slightly humiliating!)
Ok, now we have that clear, I'll move on :)
What I am getting at is that something is DEFINITELY amiss for MORE of us than EVER to be struggling SO much with our weight. A great majority of these people have never had an issue with it before, and so are at a complete loss when it starts to become an issue with which they cannot seem to easily fix....
I too fell into this trap JUST EARLIER THIS YEAR....!
I have to confess...
I too was one of these people who really did believe that the "weight game" was an equation and that the body could be essentially "manipulated" or coaxed into the "right weight" or shape depending on what you DID with it...I was CONVINCED I had ALL the answers and that I could help ANYONE- regardless of their challenges (hormones included)- lose weight. And I did, a lot of the time!
The thing is, I am a perfectionist (recovering now!)
The ones I couldn't help TRULY bothered me...I have this deep, in-born desire to help anyone and everyone who wants it...
I KNOW how it feels to be DESPERATELY unhappy with yourself; to feel so FAT and UNATTRACTIVE that you retreat from the world. It is wears away ANY self-esteem or self-respect you do have for yourself and truly makes you RESENT and even HATE the very core of who you are...
I do not wish that pain for ANYONE and that is why I am so driven, passionate and committed to helping others out there dealing with this state of being...
In any case, my search for answers never ceased...I tirelessly pursued more ideas, options, research.... ultimately my intuition is my radar and also the guide I trust without question when scouring over and through information...
SO much I what I read did not resonate...I ignored it...I kept searching....eventually I encountered a body of research that DID resonate...I KNEW DEEP INSIDE it was true....
The thing was, my "intellectual, stubborn and fear-driven" self would not really allow me to accept it...Furthermore, it was not a simple, quick-fix solution that could easily fix into someones life and solve the issue overnight...
What I read was about a WHOLE NEW WAY of relating to ourselves and to life....
I thought it sounded lovely, I knew it to be true, yet I put it away hoping to "get on with it" and find better, quicker, easier "cheat" options. I thought, "Yeah, that all sounds lovely, but really, who has time?? Its just not realistic!"
Well.....the Universe seemed to not like my response so much and PUSHED ON with its lesson for me....
After YEARS of having lived my life HIGH, FAST and CONSTANTLY achieving, pushing, moving forward being "successful", I started to FALL IN A HEAP...
I couldn't run like I used to, although I tried. I pushed my body, I battled with it...I told myself I would feel better if I simply pushed through...I became frustrated, depressed and very anxious when my old methods failed to work...
I ate less, convincing myself I was at fault and doing something wrong....When I couldn't run because I was in too much pain, too tired and too heavy, I walked....I felt like a zombie, pushing and pushing and pushing myself...
I did NOT body was changing and I had no idea how to deal with it felt foreign...I rejected it and simply wished everyday for my old self and body to return...
No such luck...
I finally conceded and went to the doctor (something I NEVER usually do!). I knew something was up and I had a good idea what...
Sure enough, after some testing and investigations it was confirmed... I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome....
Ok...! I accept the challenge I told myself. I know all about this condition and I can fix it. (hahaha- laughing at how "mental" I was about the whole thing!)
I told my Doctor I did not want to- and would not- use a medical option for dealing with this. She urged me to start the OCP (oral contraceptive pill), or at least a progesterone option to get my body back in balance. My head said, "No! I don't want to gain MORE weight", yet my heart and spirit knowingly and confidently said to my doctor, "No...I know this is an emotional and spiritual thing I need to work on and once I've dealt with that I know my body will be naturally back in balance".
Surprisingly she did not laugh or criticise me. She agreed to my request.
The thing is, as much as said all of that out loud and knew deep within me that this was indeed the truth, I continued to fall into old patterns and try to use all my old tactics to get my body "back to normal".
Over time I got more and more exhausted...I got more and more depressed...I got more and more anxious... I had no idea where I had gone...neither did my family. When I went home to visit them in Melbourne, they were all visibly shocked and disturbed...the look on my nana's face had the biggest impact on me though...
"Where have you gone Bridget?" Her eyes sincerely panicked. "This is not you"
I knew what she was saying was true and I was so very frustrated and ashamed. I am a naturally bubbly, confident, happy and ever-energetic being who fuels herself with a true PASSION for life, people and learning. Those who knew me called me a "pocket rocket", an "energiser bunny"...a BIG BALL OF ENERGY, in a teeny little package..
Yet, here I sat....lost, desperately unhappy, completely exhausted, with a true sense of took me all my might to simply "mind demons" were out of control...Constant criticism was my companion. I could do nothing right. I was all wrong. Who I had become was a loser, soft and pathetic.... still shocks me how "against myself" I became, and how much I truly did reject and hate this "new person"..
Somewhere in that space of time, I visited another doctor, desperate for more answers...Yes, I had gotten myself into a state of adrenal fatigue and my cortisol levels were PUMPING...
What exactly does this mean? Quite simply, and in a nutshell, it means that I had jammed my body into what I call "Fear Gear" and had it convinced it was CONSTANTLY under attack..
This elicits the "stress response" within the body which is mediated by a body system known as the Sympathetic Nervous System. Sending messages to the adrenal glands that you are under threat and that you need to FLEE or FIGHT the source of attack, generates a whole cascade of stress hormones, 2 being adrenaline and cortisol.
These chemicals very cleverly enable you to do super-human things, like lift a car off your baby, or run from a lion...
The problem is, when they are not used and left to circulate in the body, constantly, they generate all sorts of damage and essentially shut down our ability to metabolise efficiently AND they cause us to gain weight...
There is SO much more to explain here- and in future posts I will...For now though, I will leave the explanation at that...
Chronic stress response = hormone imbalances = weight gain, pain, inflammation, exhaustion, depression, anxiety...
In a nutshell...!
So, what do we DO about all of this?
Take medications? "FIX" the body from the outside in??
No....No....NOT AT ALL..!
I mean, you can try, go ahead....I sure did!
The thing is, the body...the mind...the spirit...the entirety of all the aspects that make us HUMAN BEINGS is MUCH more intelligent than we could ever intellectually understand....MUCH more...
We may try something externally (that is OUTSIDE, IN) and the body will simply adjust internally to get back to where it wants or needs to be at that moment...
We are a body of chemical reactions....constant chemical reactions...
You only need to consider the MALE SEXUAL response to even an IDEA that is arousing to know just how powerfully impacting THOUGHTS ARE on our internal "chemical soup" which in turn, creates the external "physical response"....
Yes....that's right....
There are things going on "up there"- that you may not be even consciously aware of- that IS without a doubt, creating, or at least significantly contributing to, the physical reality you are experiencing RIGHT NOW...
As long as you convince yourself otherwise, that surely there is an answer "out there", that there is something you have missed, something you are doing wrong, something nutritional that you are not getting.... you will keep yourself locked into the torturous and never-ending "battle" of weight, health and energy balance....
You will have to "keep motivating yourself" and "trying so hard"....being "so disciplined" and "so good"...You will have to stay on a regime that you "know" works....!
Essentially, you will have to keep FIGHTING you...
I am here to tell you that THAT is not the answer...THAT will NOT bring you everlasting peace, health and happiness....THAT is exhausting.... THAT is self-depleting... THAT will take you further away from home (yourself) than anything else and WILL leave you feeling LOST, CONFUSED, FRUSTRATED and DEFEATED!
Lay down your weapons people, make peace with yourself....
All you want is to be heard, to be listened be cared for and to be want FUN, CREATIVITY, JOY and do not want RULES, DEPRIVATION, DIETS and CONSTANT DISCIPLINE....
You are a ARE divine...
Honour this....TRULY....DEEPLY....
It WILL all "right" itself....from the INSIDE, OUT!
So YES, I do have MUCH more to say...MUCH more to share with you...MUCH more to explore...this is JUST THE TIP...perhaps the START OF MY BOOK....?!?!?!!? ;p
I will be bringing to the world- next year(!!!!) a program in which I will share EVERYTHING I know...the physical stuff, the mental stuff, the emotional stuff AND the spiritual.... :)
It is VERY EXCITING and I have been wanting to share it with you for SUCH a long time!!
I just needed to get this LAST piece of the puzzle! :)
Now I have it, I WILL share it with you abundance! :)
I said earlier, this drive, this passion, it wells up from WITHIN me....a deep compassion for how it feels to truly hate truly separate your physical self from your whole self and spend all your time and energy working against yourself...
To have found a place of deep peace, understanding, resonance and truly be in ALIGNMENT "with" finally feel that I can LISTEN to and TRUST me....THAT is what I wish to share with the world....with YOU! :)
I want YOU to truly LOVE you, to TRULY admire and HONOUR be so "in-sync" with yourself that you know exactly how to rebalance- NATURALLY- when you momentarily get "off track"....
That is what I will bring to you and the world....Slowly but surely! :)
I hope you love it, I hope you receive it, but regardless, I will offer it :)
Bridget Jane
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Journey....Learning to Listen to Your Body
This post was inspired by a SIMPLE question I was asked about DETOXING...
The question was, "I would like to ask about detoxing and whether it really is beneficial etc?"
My reply, which unfolded as I passionately hit keys, was as follows. I hope you get from this something that awakens and stirs TRUTH and INSIGHT....the KNOWINGS of your SOUL :) Enjoy! xo
""Detoxing" as a formal thing I am not into..I am more into LISTENING to the bodies needs and meeting it in every moment. We are DYNAMIC beings, constantly changing, evolving and to IMPOSE a regime on the body, I feel is unnatural, and not likely to be "in-sync" with it's current and constantly changing needs...
For me, being in HEALTH is about listening to that quiet, internal whisper that says..."Hey...your giving me too much of _____. I really don't want any more of _____. Please, I need ________. Can you concentrate on _______."
Does that make sense? An example for me of late has been my body saying...."I feel heavy and un-energetic. I used to feel so much more VIBRANT when you fed me more RAW veg...lately its all cooked and I feel BLAH! Please, can you go back to giving me more RAW VEG and this time, please more adequately meet my needs...Please give me more concentrated sources of GREENS...plant sources that provide PROTEIN and ESSENTIAL fats..."
Haha. This is quite humerous, hey? But this is HONESTLY the "conversation" I had with my body!
These days I am so IN TUNE with my body (only took 18 years!!!), that I can trust implicitly what it tells me in any moment, and I strengthen that trust by following through, without question with ACTION :)
As I mentioned to someone earlier, for me lifestyle transition has to be effortless, totally inspired and totally yummy!
My current journey has been ALL of that and totally driven by complete LOVE, APPRECIATION & ACCEPTANCE of my body and soul. Not, as I had always done in that past, been driven by FEAR, HATE and LOATHING of my body and (unconsciously) the most deepest depths of who I was as a person...
In the past, I IMPOSED and FORCED things upon my body which worked really well for me when I was totally in a MALE-dominated and driven way of being. I had completely rejected my femininity and was so out-of-sync with my soul.
As I grew and awakened spiritually, I went through a period of chaos...My feminine being was awakening, yet I resisted it with all my might...When I finally got to a place of complete ACCEPTANCE and also let go of trying so hard to UNDERSTAND and FIX....that is when my life started to GRACEFULLY unfold and transform... has been so beautiful since....only in moments of RESISTANCE does it become hard, unpleasant or scary...The deeper I go into awareness, acceptance and inner-refletion and connection, the more I am divinely guided to a blissful way of being...truly gorgeous!
ANYWAY, that is the SUPER LONG answer to an otherwise SIMPLE question and of course I have so much more to say!
I hope it makes sense for you and if you would like to bring your session forward so we can explore what the next steps for you are...the steps that your body is calling and longing for..then LETS DO IT! :) Very happy to adjust the schedule!
Let me know beautiful! :)
LIVE and LOVE the journey! :)
Mwah! oxoxoxoxo"
So there you have it!
It will either resonate with you and awaken a new level of awareness, or simply seem like mumbo-jumbo :)
No matter, either option is perfect for you and where you are at on your Journey :)

As always, would LOVE to hear from you :)
Bridget Jane
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
The question was, "I would like to ask about detoxing and whether it really is beneficial etc?"
My reply, which unfolded as I passionately hit keys, was as follows. I hope you get from this something that awakens and stirs TRUTH and INSIGHT....the KNOWINGS of your SOUL :) Enjoy! xo
""Detoxing" as a formal thing I am not into..I am more into LISTENING to the bodies needs and meeting it in every moment. We are DYNAMIC beings, constantly changing, evolving and to IMPOSE a regime on the body, I feel is unnatural, and not likely to be "in-sync" with it's current and constantly changing needs...
For me, being in HEALTH is about listening to that quiet, internal whisper that says..."Hey...your giving me too much of _____. I really don't want any more of _____. Please, I need ________. Can you concentrate on _______."
Does that make sense? An example for me of late has been my body saying...."I feel heavy and un-energetic. I used to feel so much more VIBRANT when you fed me more RAW veg...lately its all cooked and I feel BLAH! Please, can you go back to giving me more RAW VEG and this time, please more adequately meet my needs...Please give me more concentrated sources of GREENS...plant sources that provide PROTEIN and ESSENTIAL fats..."
Haha. This is quite humerous, hey? But this is HONESTLY the "conversation" I had with my body!
These days I am so IN TUNE with my body (only took 18 years!!!), that I can trust implicitly what it tells me in any moment, and I strengthen that trust by following through, without question with ACTION :)
As I mentioned to someone earlier, for me lifestyle transition has to be effortless, totally inspired and totally yummy!
My current journey has been ALL of that and totally driven by complete LOVE, APPRECIATION & ACCEPTANCE of my body and soul. Not, as I had always done in that past, been driven by FEAR, HATE and LOATHING of my body and (unconsciously) the most deepest depths of who I was as a person...
In the past, I IMPOSED and FORCED things upon my body which worked really well for me when I was totally in a MALE-dominated and driven way of being. I had completely rejected my femininity and was so out-of-sync with my soul.
As I grew and awakened spiritually, I went through a period of chaos...My feminine being was awakening, yet I resisted it with all my might...When I finally got to a place of complete ACCEPTANCE and also let go of trying so hard to UNDERSTAND and FIX....that is when my life started to GRACEFULLY unfold and transform... has been so beautiful since....only in moments of RESISTANCE does it become hard, unpleasant or scary...The deeper I go into awareness, acceptance and inner-refletion and connection, the more I am divinely guided to a blissful way of being...truly gorgeous!
ANYWAY, that is the SUPER LONG answer to an otherwise SIMPLE question and of course I have so much more to say!
I hope it makes sense for you and if you would like to bring your session forward so we can explore what the next steps for you are...the steps that your body is calling and longing for..then LETS DO IT! :) Very happy to adjust the schedule!
Let me know beautiful! :)
LIVE and LOVE the journey! :)
Mwah! oxoxoxoxo"
So there you have it!
It will either resonate with you and awaken a new level of awareness, or simply seem like mumbo-jumbo :)
No matter, either option is perfect for you and where you are at on your Journey :)

As always, would LOVE to hear from you :)
Bridget Jane
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Healthy Banga's n Mash?...
There is something about winter arriving that makes us all want to snuggle up and get into all our comfort habits; hot chocolate, trackies, couch and of course, somewhere in there is the yummy and creamy good ol' mashed potato!
I was doing a radio spot yesterday on Noosa Community radio with the lovely Tania Nash, and one of her biggest winter dilemma's to deal with was the overwhelming draw to a big bowl of the mashed tato. Quite funny really I thought, as all in all, from a nutritional perspective, it ain't that bad!
But then, the way I make mashed potato, of course, ain't that bad! When my partner fittingly decided last night that he would indeed love bangers n mash, it got me thinking about the make-over version of this incredibly familiar "dinner table feature".
You see, when bangers and mash is served in our household, yes it is our comfort dish, yet I must admit, really it is a "good naughty" (as I like to call healthier versions of traditionally over the top foods).
Before me however, there was a time when Brad's version of this dish would quite simple have been cholesterol heaven. He loves mashed potato made with butter, cream, did I mention butter and cream?
Being 13kg overweight and sporting high blood pressure at 23, when I met him, meant that this version of tato mash quite simply was tugging at his heart strings!
So last night when Brad decided gleefully he was having mashed potato, then just as quickly realised he did not have his star ingredients (we keep neither in the house), his face quickly fell into disappointment.
"It's ok!" I exclaimed. "I know how to make yummy, low fat mashed potato!"
I wont say he jumped up and down with excitement at this statement, however he was willing to listen to my suggestion as he knows from past experience that occasionally I have good ones!
So, did he like my suggestion?
Well, the meal was such a hit I would LOVE to have taken a photo for you and shared the love, however before I could say, "Let's take a photo", Brad had polished off half the plate! "We have success!" :)
For Tania, and for so many out there who simply love good ol' BnM, but also have a desire to look after their heart, waist's and overall health, here is the healthy and INCREDIBLY TASTY version of an all time favourite!
Healthy Banga's n Mash
-your choice of potato's
-Vegeta vegetable stock
-skim milk
-salt and pepper to season (more pepper, less salt)
-minced garlic (fresh or jar)
-Peppercorn Extra Lean Beef Chipolata's (or any other type of lean sausage you like)
Brad likes Peppercorn varieties, me, I'm a Kanga Banga girl :)
-boil peeled and quartered potato's in water with appropriate amount of Vegeta stock added, until soft
-meanwhile, line your chosen fry pan with baking paper- being sure that there is no chance of the paper being set alight by any of the surrounding flames! :)
-cook sausages according to packet directions. We do ours on a med heat, and use a combination of covering with a lid, to cook through and succulently :) Cooking without oil takes practice- especially in the art of producing tender meats!
-while the sausages and potato's are cooking, assemble on half of your plate a fresh salad, or else prepare some steamed vegies like broccoli, carrots, squash or zucchini, mushroom and pumpkin, or sprouts, beans and capsicum.
Brad loves a fresh salad rain, hail or shine, so I piled half his plate with fresh salad leaves, a market fresh Russian tomato, red and spring onion, as well as half a creamy avocado. Yum!
There was a time Brad would have turned his nose up at ALL of this (he even mentioned that last night!). He is even surprised that now he LOVES all of these food items and LOOKS forward to eating them! He too now cannot see a meal as complete without the salad or veg component! Impressive! (for an ex-bacon, cream, fried, cheese, butter, etc lover!) :)
-once the potato's are cooked through, drain liquid, retaining just a small amount, mash well with a fork and add the tiniest amount of skim milk, a teaspoon, or more of minced garlic and season with a tiny amount of salt and as much pepper as you like :) Keep mashing until they are silky smooth and ultra delicious!
-your sausages should be about done by now, so assemble all on your plate and ENJOY! :)
There are many ways to make this meal increasingly more healthy- for instance using sweet potato in place of regular potato; keeping the skin ON when you mash and having FISH instead of red meat....but, there you go!
There is a way to have a good old favourite in a way that LOVES your body back :)
To a cosy winter! :)
Mwah! xoxoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
I was doing a radio spot yesterday on Noosa Community radio with the lovely Tania Nash, and one of her biggest winter dilemma's to deal with was the overwhelming draw to a big bowl of the mashed tato. Quite funny really I thought, as all in all, from a nutritional perspective, it ain't that bad!
But then, the way I make mashed potato, of course, ain't that bad! When my partner fittingly decided last night that he would indeed love bangers n mash, it got me thinking about the make-over version of this incredibly familiar "dinner table feature".
You see, when bangers and mash is served in our household, yes it is our comfort dish, yet I must admit, really it is a "good naughty" (as I like to call healthier versions of traditionally over the top foods).
Before me however, there was a time when Brad's version of this dish would quite simple have been cholesterol heaven. He loves mashed potato made with butter, cream, did I mention butter and cream?
Being 13kg overweight and sporting high blood pressure at 23, when I met him, meant that this version of tato mash quite simply was tugging at his heart strings!
So last night when Brad decided gleefully he was having mashed potato, then just as quickly realised he did not have his star ingredients (we keep neither in the house), his face quickly fell into disappointment.
"It's ok!" I exclaimed. "I know how to make yummy, low fat mashed potato!"
I wont say he jumped up and down with excitement at this statement, however he was willing to listen to my suggestion as he knows from past experience that occasionally I have good ones!
So, did he like my suggestion?
Well, the meal was such a hit I would LOVE to have taken a photo for you and shared the love, however before I could say, "Let's take a photo", Brad had polished off half the plate! "We have success!" :)
For Tania, and for so many out there who simply love good ol' BnM, but also have a desire to look after their heart, waist's and overall health, here is the healthy and INCREDIBLY TASTY version of an all time favourite!
Healthy Banga's n Mash
-your choice of potato's
-Vegeta vegetable stock
-skim milk
-salt and pepper to season (more pepper, less salt)
-minced garlic (fresh or jar)
-Peppercorn Extra Lean Beef Chipolata's (or any other type of lean sausage you like)
Brad likes Peppercorn varieties, me, I'm a Kanga Banga girl :)
-boil peeled and quartered potato's in water with appropriate amount of Vegeta stock added, until soft
-meanwhile, line your chosen fry pan with baking paper- being sure that there is no chance of the paper being set alight by any of the surrounding flames! :)
-cook sausages according to packet directions. We do ours on a med heat, and use a combination of covering with a lid, to cook through and succulently :) Cooking without oil takes practice- especially in the art of producing tender meats!
-while the sausages and potato's are cooking, assemble on half of your plate a fresh salad, or else prepare some steamed vegies like broccoli, carrots, squash or zucchini, mushroom and pumpkin, or sprouts, beans and capsicum.
Brad loves a fresh salad rain, hail or shine, so I piled half his plate with fresh salad leaves, a market fresh Russian tomato, red and spring onion, as well as half a creamy avocado. Yum!
There was a time Brad would have turned his nose up at ALL of this (he even mentioned that last night!). He is even surprised that now he LOVES all of these food items and LOOKS forward to eating them! He too now cannot see a meal as complete without the salad or veg component! Impressive! (for an ex-bacon, cream, fried, cheese, butter, etc lover!) :)
-once the potato's are cooked through, drain liquid, retaining just a small amount, mash well with a fork and add the tiniest amount of skim milk, a teaspoon, or more of minced garlic and season with a tiny amount of salt and as much pepper as you like :) Keep mashing until they are silky smooth and ultra delicious!
-your sausages should be about done by now, so assemble all on your plate and ENJOY! :)
There are many ways to make this meal increasingly more healthy- for instance using sweet potato in place of regular potato; keeping the skin ON when you mash and having FISH instead of red meat....but, there you go!
There is a way to have a good old favourite in a way that LOVES your body back :)
To a cosy winter! :)
Mwah! xoxoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What’s is your breakky bowl?
Sometimes, some things make me SO passionate I just have to write about them right away! Well this morning is one of those moments! The sun has not even poked its head out on this chilly morning in Melbourne and I have been up for hours! Waiting for the lights to come on so I can go and play!
The point of this post however, is to share with you something I do feel very passionate about.
Breakfast is a very important part of our day. We “know” this, but yet, do we “know” it? As they say, “To know and not do, is not yet to know”.
Unless you are a Breakky Bestie, like me, then I would URGE you to consider the importance of this meal and just how much of a positive difference to your world this one simple habit, done well and consistently, can make for you. All in the space of 15 minutes in the morning!
Anyway, what I want to discuss in relation to breakfast here, is the lure of all those “rubbish” cereals out there that line the supermarket shelves from floor to ceiling! What prompted this post was the sighting of my mum’s (latest diet) breakfast cereal. A tiny 45g packet that sparked so much PASSION inside of me!
When I looked upon this package, the first thing I noticed was how light and “empty” it felt. Then I noticed the sparkle of the shiny, sugar-laden “nuggets” within. I turned over the packet to glimpse at the Ingredients List (as I do..). “Wheat flour, sugar, malted wheat flour….”
When I conduct Secrets of the Supermarket shopping tours, I discuss with attendees how to properly discern a product label. One of the most important things I remind them is that the INGREDIENTS LIST is the most important part of the label. It tells you EXACTLY what is in the product, and without giving away the recipe, it indicates in which proportion each ingredient is present. The ingredients listed first are present in the greatest amount within the product, and those last, the least.
Simple, eh?
So many of us overlook this valuable part of the label in favour of the seductive claims about being “high in fibre”, “low in fat” and all manner of other magical promises. Of course there is no mention of the “added sugar”, or “extra processing”, or “added colours, flavours, preservatives”, or the “lost natural vitamins and minerals”…..okay, okay, I will stop there…!
Next, I took a look at the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) of the spoken of cereal. How many sugars per 100g? 22.3g. Interesting. That makes this product approximately 20% sugar. Per “Serve” there is 10g, or approximately 2 teaspoons. Top this with skim milk (as directed), and there is another teaspoon of sugar. So far, 3 teaspoons of the sweet stuff.
Great way to start the day! A delivery of sugar straight into the blood stream, that without accompanying fibre or protein to moderate its release, will lead to a nice little insulin spike. Just the recipe for fat storage, as well as a whole host of immune mediated responses that add to inflammation and ageing.
The intention of this post is not to bag or alarm. It’s just to point out the irony of so much of what drives our food choices, and to pose another approach.
I urge you to look beyond body weight and weight related goals as a driver of your choices. Whilst, in terms of calories the above cereal may seem to fit the bill, when you look at it more closely, what is it really doing for you? At a cellular level, as I mentioned, it is simply just creating aggravation that the cells then have to deal with.
In simplicity, this type of food is TAKING from your cells, rather than GIVING to them!
A key thing to remember is that we are a collection of BILLIONS of cells. Each cell is its own functioning unit, that put together creates a system so intelligent it is beyond true comprehension. If we want to live full, energetic and long healthy lives, it is important to remember that we are not simply one body made up of fat, muscle and bone mass.
We are a large organism made up of a massive collection of cells, and these cells need feeding. They need proper nutrition to deliver back to you the best they can.
So, I urge you, think beyond calories!
Think cell-lories! What are you feeding your cells???
For some brilliant breakfast ideas that encourage healthy, plump, vibrant cells thereby creating a younger and healthier looking and feeling body, try:
• Berries, orange and banana sprinkled with whole oats, cinnamon and topped with a natural yoghurt and a few teaspoons of LSA or ground flaxseeds
• A handful of raw unsalted nuts, a big crunchy apple and a soy latte
• A piece of soy and linseed toast topped with avocado, tomato, and low fat cheese
• Poached eggs served atop wilted baby spinach, sautéed mushies, grilled tomato, capsicum and red onion drizzled with balsamic vinegar
• A warm bowl of porridge (traditional variety, not “quick oats”), topped with a chopped banana, ½ tsp of honey and a teaspoon or 2 of LSA or ground flaxseeds.
Alternatively try warm apple and cinnamon. YUM!
• A small tin of baked beans on a wholegrain English muffin
• Sardines on toast

I say, ditch the cereal boxes and engage your creative side! Break the rules! Who says vegies are for dinner? Look at other cultures and what they eat to greet the day for some great ideas that may spark your inner genius!
Most of all, have fun! Breakfast IS one of the most important meals of the day.
Tell your body it’s time to “wake up”. Break-the-fast and get your metabolism roaring!
Until next time! :) xoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
The point of this post however, is to share with you something I do feel very passionate about.
Breakfast is a very important part of our day. We “know” this, but yet, do we “know” it? As they say, “To know and not do, is not yet to know”.
Unless you are a Breakky Bestie, like me, then I would URGE you to consider the importance of this meal and just how much of a positive difference to your world this one simple habit, done well and consistently, can make for you. All in the space of 15 minutes in the morning!
Anyway, what I want to discuss in relation to breakfast here, is the lure of all those “rubbish” cereals out there that line the supermarket shelves from floor to ceiling! What prompted this post was the sighting of my mum’s (latest diet) breakfast cereal. A tiny 45g packet that sparked so much PASSION inside of me!
When I looked upon this package, the first thing I noticed was how light and “empty” it felt. Then I noticed the sparkle of the shiny, sugar-laden “nuggets” within. I turned over the packet to glimpse at the Ingredients List (as I do..). “Wheat flour, sugar, malted wheat flour….”
When I conduct Secrets of the Supermarket shopping tours, I discuss with attendees how to properly discern a product label. One of the most important things I remind them is that the INGREDIENTS LIST is the most important part of the label. It tells you EXACTLY what is in the product, and without giving away the recipe, it indicates in which proportion each ingredient is present. The ingredients listed first are present in the greatest amount within the product, and those last, the least.
Simple, eh?
So many of us overlook this valuable part of the label in favour of the seductive claims about being “high in fibre”, “low in fat” and all manner of other magical promises. Of course there is no mention of the “added sugar”, or “extra processing”, or “added colours, flavours, preservatives”, or the “lost natural vitamins and minerals”…..okay, okay, I will stop there…!
Next, I took a look at the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) of the spoken of cereal. How many sugars per 100g? 22.3g. Interesting. That makes this product approximately 20% sugar. Per “Serve” there is 10g, or approximately 2 teaspoons. Top this with skim milk (as directed), and there is another teaspoon of sugar. So far, 3 teaspoons of the sweet stuff.
Great way to start the day! A delivery of sugar straight into the blood stream, that without accompanying fibre or protein to moderate its release, will lead to a nice little insulin spike. Just the recipe for fat storage, as well as a whole host of immune mediated responses that add to inflammation and ageing.
The intention of this post is not to bag or alarm. It’s just to point out the irony of so much of what drives our food choices, and to pose another approach.
I urge you to look beyond body weight and weight related goals as a driver of your choices. Whilst, in terms of calories the above cereal may seem to fit the bill, when you look at it more closely, what is it really doing for you? At a cellular level, as I mentioned, it is simply just creating aggravation that the cells then have to deal with.
In simplicity, this type of food is TAKING from your cells, rather than GIVING to them!
A key thing to remember is that we are a collection of BILLIONS of cells. Each cell is its own functioning unit, that put together creates a system so intelligent it is beyond true comprehension. If we want to live full, energetic and long healthy lives, it is important to remember that we are not simply one body made up of fat, muscle and bone mass.
We are a large organism made up of a massive collection of cells, and these cells need feeding. They need proper nutrition to deliver back to you the best they can.
So, I urge you, think beyond calories!
Think cell-lories! What are you feeding your cells???
For some brilliant breakfast ideas that encourage healthy, plump, vibrant cells thereby creating a younger and healthier looking and feeling body, try:
• Berries, orange and banana sprinkled with whole oats, cinnamon and topped with a natural yoghurt and a few teaspoons of LSA or ground flaxseeds
• A handful of raw unsalted nuts, a big crunchy apple and a soy latte
• A piece of soy and linseed toast topped with avocado, tomato, and low fat cheese
• Poached eggs served atop wilted baby spinach, sautéed mushies, grilled tomato, capsicum and red onion drizzled with balsamic vinegar
• A warm bowl of porridge (traditional variety, not “quick oats”), topped with a chopped banana, ½ tsp of honey and a teaspoon or 2 of LSA or ground flaxseeds.
Alternatively try warm apple and cinnamon. YUM!
• A small tin of baked beans on a wholegrain English muffin
• Sardines on toast
I say, ditch the cereal boxes and engage your creative side! Break the rules! Who says vegies are for dinner? Look at other cultures and what they eat to greet the day for some great ideas that may spark your inner genius!
Most of all, have fun! Breakfast IS one of the most important meals of the day.
Tell your body it’s time to “wake up”. Break-the-fast and get your metabolism roaring!
Until next time! :) xoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Can you shift ONE DEGREE?

This article is, to me, an oldie but a goodie! I'd LOVE to share the concept with you as it's REALLY helped A LOT of clients and friends in their quest to lead a happier, healthier, more energetic life :)
It is simple, and so profound :)
Take on board the messgae and see what a difference it can make to your life! :)
One of the most simple, yet profound lessons I ever learnt was the concept of one degree shifts.
Imagine for a moment an aeroplane. If the flight path of this aircraft is modified even just one degree from its point of take off, the passengers will end up in a completely different destination to originally planned!
I found this fascinating! So incredibly true and so incredibly powerful!
When there are areas of our life in which we feel change is needed, yet doing so seems too overwhelming to contemplate, try considering and applying this simple concept. I have certainly done so many times when recognising there were areas that I needed to overhaul.
My usual tendency was to get so caught up in the unknowns; seeming magnitude of the task; not to mention the one million options for consideration, that I would become overcome and paralysed with fear, doubt, uncertainty or sheer confusion, and consequently take no action.
How many times has this happened to you?
Now I acknowledge the END RESULT I am after (vision/goal) and work towards it in one degree shifts.
Just as the practice of saving five dollars a day, over 25 years would lead to a significant sum after 25 years, so too will large pay-off’s come from making tiny daily and consistent health shifts.
Here are a few one degree nutrition shifts, with significant long term value, for you to consider:
-Switch the daily large caramel latte fix to a small skim latte to save as much as 380, 330kJ a year which, left unburned, equates to approximately 10kg of extra body weight!
-Limit your intake of red meat to no more than 3 to 4 servings a week. Select lean varieties always and avoid processed meats such as bacon, ham, frankfurters and salami. See Cancer Council for more ideas
-Eat a small handful of raw, unsalted nuts (30g) five or more days a week to halve your risk of heart disease
-Switch from white and refined breads to heavy-wholegrain varieties for smaller swings in blood glucose levels and significantly higher intakes of disease protective fibre, phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals
-Ensure 2 alcohol free days a week, at least. Work towards the daily recommended intake of no more than 2 standard drinks a day; simply cut back one drink, or even half, at a time. Choose every second round as a water round
-Slot in a 10 minute walk around the block at lunchtime or upon arriving home at the end of the day to burn up to 2kg of excess body fat over the year
-Work towards making vegies 50% of your “plate” at lunch and dinner everyday
Remember, the key is CONSISTENCY and the fortune is certainly in the FOLLOW THROUGH :)
As someone once put it,
“The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time!”
(Not sure of the nutritional value of an elephant but please don’t eat them! Haha)
I would LOVE to hear YOUR one degree shift ideas, or feedback :)
Please email me at
Have a brilliant day and enjoy where your ONE DEGREE SHIFTS take you!
MWAH! xooxoxxoxo
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Mob 0421332243●Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Foods and Asthma
Of late, Mr Brad, my partner has been suffering an usual amounts of mild "asthma attacks".
Since we have been together, Brad's asthma has reduced significantly in terms of frequency and his dependence upon his "puffer". This can be attributed to a few things including giving up smoking, adopting an incredibly healthy eating pattern with LOTS of fresh fruit and vegies and minimal packaged/convenience and takeaway foods AND a transition to a slightly more active lifestyle :)
I would also add, much less stress through a dramatically improved mindset and way of looking at things :)
The recent incidents therefore have been very noticeable, whereas in the past they may have been part of the usual day to day happenings....
Since the onset of these incidents were so sudden and noticeable, I went searching further of what could be triggering these attacks. I am NO expert in this area- despite my background it is NOT something I specialise in!
So please, the information shared here is simply based upon our experience and I felt it great to share for anyone out there who MAY find that they have similar triggers and would benefit from trying similar strategies :)
Please ALWAYS consult your GP and team of health care practitioners before taking on ANY health advice :)
Ok...with that said...
Here is what I found for Mr Brad, and what may also help some of you :)
There are certain additives in foods which can TRIGGER asthma. These include
Another food Brad has responded to is Maggi 2 minute Noodles. These contain SULPHITES
The other ingredient I think is playing a role here for Brad is MSG and this is found in high concentrations in stock cubes, gravy, soy sauce and packet soups.
Salicylates are naturally occurring element in many foods including coffee, beer, honey, soy sauce, tomato pastes and sauces.
There is more information here at
In Brads case, a couple of things have possibly lead to his increased sensitivity of late:
Get back to BASICS!
Good, healthy FRESH foods, free of additives, preservatives and colours!
The fact that FRESH, HEALTHY prawns were a major player and trigger here, it certainly pays to KNOW YOUR FOOD :)
Know where it is coming from and the PROCESSES it undertakes...
Also, realise that there is always a THRESHOLD of tolerance so strict ELIMINATION of all foods is not necessarily required....
This is a VERY UNIQUE and SPECIFIC issue which, if you are having ongoing issues, should certainly be managed with a suitably qualified practitioner guiding you through..
On a final note, please do not forget the importance and impact of mental STRESS on your body's ability to deal with certain environmental "physical" stresses (i.e. food chemicals)
Mental stress certainly wears down and depletes the immune system.
So to look after yourself and give your body the support if needs to support you, remember the basics!
Please post below, or email me at
PS. at the above website, there are a list of NUMBERS to look out for on labels! Take a look here
Very helpful! :)
Lots of love to you all!
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Since we have been together, Brad's asthma has reduced significantly in terms of frequency and his dependence upon his "puffer". This can be attributed to a few things including giving up smoking, adopting an incredibly healthy eating pattern with LOTS of fresh fruit and vegies and minimal packaged/convenience and takeaway foods AND a transition to a slightly more active lifestyle :)
I would also add, much less stress through a dramatically improved mindset and way of looking at things :)
The recent incidents therefore have been very noticeable, whereas in the past they may have been part of the usual day to day happenings....
Since the onset of these incidents were so sudden and noticeable, I went searching further of what could be triggering these attacks. I am NO expert in this area- despite my background it is NOT something I specialise in!
So please, the information shared here is simply based upon our experience and I felt it great to share for anyone out there who MAY find that they have similar triggers and would benefit from trying similar strategies :)
Please ALWAYS consult your GP and team of health care practitioners before taking on ANY health advice :)
Ok...with that said...
Here is what I found for Mr Brad, and what may also help some of you :)
There are certain additives in foods which can TRIGGER asthma. These include
- Sulphites
- Food colourings
- MSGs
- Salicylates
Another food Brad has responded to is Maggi 2 minute Noodles. These contain SULPHITES
The other ingredient I think is playing a role here for Brad is MSG and this is found in high concentrations in stock cubes, gravy, soy sauce and packet soups.
Salicylates are naturally occurring element in many foods including coffee, beer, honey, soy sauce, tomato pastes and sauces.
There is more information here at
In Brads case, a couple of things have possibly lead to his increased sensitivity of late:
- He has been ill with a tummy bug which has included a body fever- aches and pains, etc. So, his IMMUNE SYSTEM is low and challenged at present which would definitely play a role
- Of late, his consumption of all above mentioned foods has been higher- due to feeling ill and having "holidays"- more junk food! :)
- His base diet includes a few condiments that would include these food ingredients, therefore his THRESHOLD of tolerance has possibly been super seeded.
Get back to BASICS!
Good, healthy FRESH foods, free of additives, preservatives and colours!
The fact that FRESH, HEALTHY prawns were a major player and trigger here, it certainly pays to KNOW YOUR FOOD :)
Know where it is coming from and the PROCESSES it undertakes...
Also, realise that there is always a THRESHOLD of tolerance so strict ELIMINATION of all foods is not necessarily required....
This is a VERY UNIQUE and SPECIFIC issue which, if you are having ongoing issues, should certainly be managed with a suitably qualified practitioner guiding you through..
On a final note, please do not forget the importance and impact of mental STRESS on your body's ability to deal with certain environmental "physical" stresses (i.e. food chemicals)
Mental stress certainly wears down and depletes the immune system.
So to look after yourself and give your body the support if needs to support you, remember the basics!
- Water- LOTS of fresh, clean water!
- Vegies and fruit- LOADS of colour and variety all day, everyday! Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks :)
- Move your body! Get out in the FRESH air! Breathe in oxygen, deliver it to your cells with an increased heart rate, and clear away toxins! :)
- Manage stress- even if you are not CONSCIOUSLY aware of stress- many of us have endless things going on "in the back of our minds". So employ DAILY "stress clearer's" including exercise (in the great outdoors; nature is a great healer!); meditation (ANYONE can do it..takes patience, practice and time); mindset review- check in with how you react/respond to everything around you...changing the way you see things (your perspective) by getting into some "Self-development" things such as books, audio's, programs and even coaches- it will DRAMATICALLY change your life :)
Please post below, or email me at
PS. at the above website, there are a list of NUMBERS to look out for on labels! Take a look here
Very helpful! :)
Lots of love to you all!
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Posted by
Bridget Jane Food Body Lifestyle Guru
1:54 PM
1 comment:


food additives,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Diets may determine dementia risk
[From BBC News]
The foods we choose to eat may determine our risk of dementia, mounting evidence suggests.
Latest work in Archives of Neurology shows sticking to a diet rich in nuts, fish and vegetables significantly cuts the chance of developing Alzheimer's.
A "Mediterranean diet" containing plenty of fresh produce and less high-fat dairy and red meat has long been thought to improve general health.
Experts believe it is a combination of nutrients in foods that is important.
Read the full article here

The balance of foods eaten appears to be important
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